DYI Incorporation
DYI Incorporation or Do It Yourself Incorporation is done when all you want is registered agent service and you or your representative will create the company instead of Wyoming Registered Agent.
When you form a new Wyoming company online, you must first order registered agent service. If you file by paper, we will have to send you our signed consent form before you file by mail with the Wyoming Secretary of State. Select any of our Wyoming incorporation guides to get going on your do it yourself Wyoming incorporation. If you need further help, just call or email us 5 days a week and we will help you get through this corporate task of setting up a business in Wyoming.
If you want us to file a business on your behalf, we would be happy to. We only charge the state fee and our registered agent fee. We basically do it for free, since there is not an incorporation charge. If you are still determined to do the Wyoming incorporation yourself, please check out our guides below.