Wyoming Incorporation Articles

Wyoming LLC Articles of Organization

Wyoming LLC Articles of Organization are used to form a new Wyoming LLC with the Wyoming Secretary of State. These articles must include a registered office address in Wyoming with a Wyoming registered agent. Other information must be listed as well for the Wyoming business.

Wyoming Articles of Organization Requirements

  1. Name of the Wyoming LLC
  2. Registered Agent
  3. Registered Agent Wyoming Address
  4. Principal Office Address
  5. Mailing Address
  6. Organizer Name
  7. Organizer Address
  8. Contact Information

Wyoming LLC Name

Wyoming LLCs must have an identifier at the end on their name. The name must include the words “Limited Liability Company,” or its abbreviations “LLC,” “L.L.C.,” “Limited Company,” “LC,” “L.C.,” “Ltd. Liability Company,” “Ltd. Liability Co.,” or “Limited Liability Co.”  If your LLC does not have one of these variations at the end of it, the state will reject the filing.

Registered Agent

Having a registered agent in Wyoming is a requirement. The registered agent will accept important legal and state documents for your business at their address in Wyoming. Our registered agent service also gives you 3 pieces of non-registered mail at no extra charge.

Registered Agent Wyoming Address

The registered agent address must be in Wyoming. A P.O. Box is not an acceptable address for a Wyoming registered agent.

Principal Office Address & Mailing Address

Mailing address and Principal Office must be list on the Wyoming Articles of Organization. You can use our address in Wyoming so you can keep your information private.

Organizer & Contact Information

An Organizer must be list on the Wyoming Articles of Organization. This is the person or entity that puts together the Articles of Organization and signs the document. We will sign as Organizer to keep you private.

Wyoming Corporation Articles of Incorporation

Wyoming Articles of Incorporation are used to form a new corporation with the Wyoming Secretary of State. These articles must include a registered office address in Wyoming with a Wyoming registered agent. Other information must be listed as well for the Wyoming business.

Wyoming Incorporation Articles Requirements

  1. Name of the Wyoming Corporation
  2. Registered Agent
  3. Registered Agent Wyoming Address
  4. Principal Office Address
  5. Mailing Address
  6. Incorporator Name
  7. Incorporator Address
  8. Contact Information

Wyoming Corporation Name

Unlike Wyoming LLCs, the name of your Wyoming Corporation does not have to have an identifier at the end of it.  You do not need to list Inc, Corp, Corporation or any other description. However, you cannot have the same name as an LLC or other type of Wyoming Company. If there is already a “Structured Name LLC” there cannot be a “Structured Name, Inc.”

Registered Agent

Having a registered agent in Wyoming is a requirement. The registered agent will accept important legal and state documents for your business at their address in Wyoming. Our registered agent service also gives you 3 pieces of non-registered mail at no extra charge.

Registered Agent Wyoming Address

The registered agent address must be in Wyoming. A P.O. Box is not an acceptable address for a Wyoming registered agent.

Principal Office Address & Mailing Address

Mailing address and Principal Office must be list on the Wyoming Articles of Organization. You can use our address in Wyoming so you can keep your information private.

Incorporator & Contact Information

An “Incorporator” must be list on the Wyoming Articles of Incorporation. This is the person or entity that puts together the Articles of Incorporation and signs the document. We will sign as Incorporator to keep your information off the public record.